Attorney in Detroit, Southfield & Ann Arbor
If you have been denied a permanent immigration visa, you may file an appeal and attempt to have the decision reversed. An appeal will be considered only if the removal of a foreign national would result in an “extreme hardship” to be suffered by the sponsor or sponsoring family as a result. Extreme hardships differ from common hardships. Extreme hardships could include medical situations involving pain, suffering, or death while common hardships could be financial problems for example.
The extreme hardships that foreign nationals themselves suffer as a result of a deportation order are not considered in the appeals process unless they affect the sponsoring family either directly or indirectly.
Since an alien may be unaware as to how their hardship effects the sponsor, extreme hardships that you would face as a foreign national should be included as well. A judge or panel of judges will analyze your case subjectively.
Even though appeals are faced with a high percentage of denials you should not be discouraged especially when a medical situation is present. Our team of experienced and knowledgeable immigration appeal attorneys will put together the documentation necessary to build your case so that you may continue on your path to receiving a green card.
Your appeal will be made to the Administrative Appeals Office (AAO). Only one appeal is permitted and must be received by the AAO within 30 days after you receive the initial denial. If new facts in your case present themselves, we may file a motion for the board to reconsider. As with all aspects of the immigration process, it is strongly recommended that you consult with a knowledgeable Michigan immigration attorney prior to filing any documents. Call us now.
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